Rock-247 6"W - 12"H - 5"D GRAD-ROCK
This ( 6"W - 12"H - 5"D ) rock is actually a polished granite egg that was given a graduation
hat and buried inside the shelf is a micro switch and micro chip with a speaker that allows
the rock to talk to you each time you pick it up. It has three important short messages to
share with you, each time you pick it up.
GRAD - You Rock! Congratulations, we knew you could do it!
It's party time!
The signs read:
Many people seem to take education for granite!
It polishes off the rough edges known as illiteracy.
Lift me up. I'll prove I'm not an
A view of the GRAD-ROCK from the side.
A view of the GRAD-ROCK removed from the holder so it can talk.