Rock-244 12"W - 21"H - 4"D BED ROCK
This ( 12"W - 21"H - 4"D ) rock is mounted on an old barn board with an old clock to remind you
when its time to warm the Bed Rock. This rock can be used both summer and winter to help
keep your relationship in the best of comfort when your in bed. The alarm sounds about quarter to ten
every night to give you 15 minutes time for warming or cooling the Bed Rock and your sheets.
Remember to remove the Bed Rock from between the sheets and replace it on the rack, to experience the most comfort.
The signs read:
The Bed Rock
His Handle
Her Handle
Flintstones city, in Custer, S.D. was named Bedrock.
A welldrillers nightmare is when they hit bedrock.
This is a more useful tool, called a bedrock.
Warm it in your oven, then with a person at
each handle, pull it back and forth between
the bed sheets, before retiring for the evening.
It helps to create a rock solid, toasty and warm
loving relationship when your between the sheets.
You can also chill it, in your refrigerator to cool
your sheets for those hot sweaty summer nights.
A view of the upper part of the bed rock.
A view of the lower part of the bed rock.
A view of the actual Bed Rock and the attached his and her handles.