Rock-233 15"W - 19"H - 8"D APACHE ROCK
This ( 15"W - 19"H - 8"D ) rock is hanging on a rack made from a pine slab with some
growths on branchs to act as holding devices, when the rock is not in use. The
Apache Rock was handed down from generation to generation and ended up being given to
me for the Rocks For Fun collection, because they thought chief Rocking Stone would be
honored to have his favorite War Club hanging with a lot of other weird rocks and stones.
Now everyone knows it was Fleetfoot the caveboy's original idea as a weapon.
The signs read:
(War Club )
First use by Fleetfoot the cave boy for protection.
In later years the Apache added feathers, paint and
horse hair, then claimed it as their original idea.
Used by chief Rocking Stone as a young warrior.
The loose swinging rock had more killing power
then rocks attached to the end, like on a tomahawk.
A closer view
A view of the Apache rock itself