Rock-200 12"W - 19"H - 8"D COUGH-IN ROCK
This ( 12"W - 19"H - 8"D ) rock mounted on a reed place mat with a shelf found at a rummage sale
to hold the coffin which was made up just for the rock. Smokers won't like this rock as it
causes them to see themselves, however two people have quit now as a result of the rock. GREAT!
and I wish more would take the hint. I added an angel and a devil so it fits most end situations.
I added Lucky Rocks for coffin handles, however the luck ran out on this poor rock.
Some have already told me I spelled coffin wrong. They just don't get it. Cough-In from
cigarettes can speed and lead you to the coffin.
The signs read:
We all gotta go sometime.
Not ashes to ashes
Not dust to dust
Just stone cold, like a rock.
I smoked, I choked,
I coughed, I scoffed
at smoking cigarettes.
Butt, it was cigarettes
that finally did me in.
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