Rock-198 11"W - 14"H - 8"D ROCK UNDER GLASS
This ( 11"W - 14"H - 8"D ) rock mounted on some cedar slices with a glass dome to cover
the rock, is a take off from pheasant under glass, but then when you check, there are
many things under glass for one reason or an other. Why not a Rock?
The shot glass is provided for those that can't wait or want the full flavor.
A hook is provided to hang the dome on and a lucky rock for added decor.
The signs read:
A Rock under glass, is like so many others in that class.
They have Pheasant under glass, along with Squirrel,
Mushrooms, Daisies, Currency, Bugs and you name it.
All to keep the Cognac flavor from evaporating.
Use the shot glass provided and it won't ever evaporate.
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