Rock-185 9"W - 19"H - 11"D ROCK CANDY-DISH
This ( 9"W - 19"H - 11"D ) rock is mounted on an old board sliver with a deer horn for
a cradle to hold the Rock Candy-Dish which has some samples of various rock candy
that are available, some commercial and some homemade candies.
The signs read:
This Rock Candy-Dish is from the Big Rock Candy Mountain.
It has Hard Rock Candy, Chocolate Covered Rocks, Brocks,
Rock Centered Candy, Flavored Rocks, Jolly Rancher Rocks,
M & M Rocks, and other candys that Rock with the times.
Did you know that Rock Candy has existed since the 1500's ?
A close up view of the Rock Candy-Dish
A view of the one side
A view of the other side