Rock-178 14"W - 17"H - 6"D PACK - ROCK
This ( 14"W - 17"H - 6"D ) rock is built around a Packer Helmet and is mounted on a slice of elm tree
to represent a football that has a goal post with a birch limb as the cross bar that supports the rocks.
The Green and Gold colors on the $7.00 Pack Rock pins are Wittenberg- Birnamwood High School colors but
could be taken as Packer colors. The theme is Win or Lose, both the Fans and Teams are great, when they support
each other.
The signs read:
Win or Lose
Great Fans support Great Teams
Wear your own personal
Show that you support your team.
ONLY $7.00
Close up of the large PACK - ROCK
The sign showing Team "LUCKY ROCKS for $7.00
Close up of a $7.00, Team "LUCKY ROCK"
Do you want a personal TEAM LUCKY ROCK? ORDER YOURS HERE!