Rock-171 12"W - 19"H - 7"D STONE DIAL
This ( 12"W - 19"H - 7"D ) rock is a sundial that has quartz accuracy, with adjustment
for daylight savings time and the ability to fine tune the dial itself. The dial is being held
up by a four branch crotch to represent the four directions NSEW and is mounted on a pine slab. Did
you know the dial moves 15 degrees West every hour or 1 degree every 4 minutes? The unusual
speckled rock holds the quartz dial straight for accurate time line reading.
The signs read:
Quartz Tuning
Time Adjustment
Daylight Savings
Time Adjustment
First Stone, Sun Dial with a Quartz movement
that insures quartz accuracy. The dial and numbers are quartz,
plus it can be fine-tuned and compensated for day light savings time.
They say SunDials are the most reliable timepieces under the Sun,
with over 100 types available and now with true quartz accuracy.
A closer front top view of details
A closer side view of details
A top view of details
A closer view of the base and daylight adjustment details