Rock-161 9"W - 13"H - 6"D SPECTACULAR ROCK
This ( 9"W - 13"H - 6"D ) rock is mounted on a barn board and has an unusual knot as a mounting for the
specticles which are setting on a rock nose complete with a mustache and lips for effect. You can
remove the specs from the holder to allow you to give a Stone Cold Stare or a Stone Sober look as you
peer through solid stones. You will notice that the lenses are very strong on these specs which allows you
to see through solid stone and get a clear view of what you are looking at. A couple of "Lucky Rocks"
are on guard to see that you replace the specs back on the holder. The eye chart is there to allow you
a chance to check your 20, 20 or whatever.
The signs read:
It's used when you need to give that Stone Cold stare.
It also helps you to give people that Stone Sober look.
Spectacular Rock Chart
(A real stone age eye chart)
A view of the specs ready for you to try them out.