Rock-156 28"W - 13"H - 6"D REAL ROCK
This ( 28"W - 13"H - 6"D ) rock mounted on an old barn board shaped like a fish has a 5 inch
geode mounted on a hinge to allow it to open up and expose a small fishing Reel. There
is a large hook, sinker and bobber added for effect. The rock is built around the idea of
that REAL and REEL has two meanings. The hat is mounted on a hinge to allow it to move
up, allowing the Geode to be split open.
The signs read:
Geode or is it, Gee an Ode! to a Rock.
Split in half you can see it's a Real Rock.
Inside you will see the Real is really Reel.
A Hook, Line, Sinker and Bobber needs
a Reel to help you catch and haul in this
"Big Barn Board Bass"
A close up of the Rock on a hinge and held together with magnets at the mouth.
Lift the hat and a magnet holds it up so the rocks can split.
Split the rock to see it really is a REEL ROCK. (Real, Reel, Whatever)
A close up to verify it is a REEL.