Rock-149 14"W - 17"H - 7"D LOW-CARB ROCKS
This ( 14"W - 17"H - 7"D ) rock is setting on a Cedar wedge left by a logger, that is mounted on
a branch with a triple crotch. There is a "Lucky Rock" watching to see that those that sample
the desserts are pleased with them. They did have LOW CARB desserts many years ago, as you can see.
The signs read:
Daily D. D. D.
Only Two Flavors Available.
4 Million Year Old
Dino Dandy Desserts
Rock Hard .......100%
Stone Ground .......100%
Calories .......0%
Sugar .......0%
Fat .......0%
Low Carb .......100%
Sodium .......%
Cholesterol .......0%
Flour .......0%
No Preservatives needed
Non-Dated materials