Rock-145 8"W - 14"H - 5"D ROCK & STONE SHAKERS
This ( 8"W - 14"H - 5"D ) rock is mounted on a slice of Cedar, with a shelf made from a
slice of Elm and pedestals for the shakers made from a Birch limb. The shakers remind
us that we all eat a peck of dirt, rocks and stones in our lifetime. We just don't
shake it on to our food on purpose. It must add to the flavor of our food, in one way or another.
Lucky Rocks look on, to remind us how lucky we are to have these wonderful flavors of nature.
The signs read:
For a down to earth taste, you won't forget.
Food doesn't need to be stone ground, when
you shake some ground stone flavor, on it.
For food with a flavor that truly rocks,
shake a little ground rock flavor, on it.