Rock-140 16"W - 16"H - 3"D APOSTLE ROCKS
This ( 16"W - 16"H - 3"D ) rock came about when someone asked to name the 12 Apostles. After
a lot of digging, I was able to come up with the names, but there were really, 13 because Mathias
replaced Judas, and to add some conversation or confusion, I used the Greek names of a few.
Thomas, that's Didymus, I gave a flat smile for his doubting and Judas a frown of betrayal.
I naturally assumed they all carried "Lucky Rocks" with them and that is what you are looking at here.
They each have a cubical to set in and the fan in the background is made from some wood shingles
off an old barn down the road. I needed something different for a back ground which this provided.
The signs read:
Apostle Rocks
Mathias (The Replacement)
Peter, Andrew, James (less),
*John, Philip, Barholomew
Didymus, *Matthew, James
Lebbaeus, Simon, Judas
Can you name each of them? There really were 13.
*Only two (2) of the 13 went on to write gospels.
Each Apostle carried a "Lucky Rock" with them.
The rest is history and proof, Rocks are important!
Because of the Apostles, today we are all "Lucky"!
Another closer look at the 13 Lucky Rocks!