Rock-112 4"W - 14"H - 6"D ROCK PIE
This ( 4"W - 14"H - 6"D ) rock is mounted on a notch out, found along the road, from a large Oak
tree. The "ROCK PIE" idea came as a result of seeing this piece that looks like
it was a cut out of a pie, but the Pie, I am using is "pi" or "π" used to figure the circumference
from the known diameter. I have a grinning rock on the left side of the wedge to help out
with that big decimal they always show. You know the one! Right?
The signs read:
( pi is 3.14 )
Ingredients: 8 pi Rocks
Calories: None
Flavor: Tasteless
Servings: Eight (8)
Recipe: 3.1415926535897932384626433832795+
It's the 16th letter of the Greek alphabet.
Needed and used by most Mathematicians.
Used to make up the name for college groups.
It's Like Pie in the Sky.
One Rock, is just a Pizza the Pie.
The "Rock Pie" is on the other side.
Left Side Center View