Rock-86 9"W - 24"H - 10"D GRINDING STONE
This ( 9"W - 24"H - 10"D ) stone is the earliest version of our modern gringing stone
which Fleet Foot the cave boy had mounted on a tree near his cave. The
grinding stone has bones fastened to the ends, with pine pitch, the earliest version of our
modern hot melt glue. This forms the shaft and crank, which is set in a tree
crotch that makes up the bearings. There is a small hatchet suspended in front
to show you how it works. This is made of a piece of hammered metal blade and held
in place on the handle with twine and pine pitch. A few grinning rocks and mushrooms add
to the decor.
The sign reads:
Fleet Foot the cave boy's first mechanical invention.
Fore runner of the modern Industrial Grinding Stone.
Used to sharpen the first metal objects, such as
Spears, Knives, Hooks, Axes, and Hatchets.
Still in use today by many people and in Industry.
They just added motors, gauges, controls and a lot
of "Nader" guards, to protect us from ourselves.