Rock-64 6"W - 16"H - 5"D QUARTER STONE
This ( 6"W - 16"H - 5"D ) stone is really four parts of one Stone or Quarters, mounted above a pine slab, each painted
a different color, Red, Orange, Green and Blue to assure they are separate. The statement
being made here is, why not allow Quarter Stones, with all the other Quarters out there? Now you know
what Quarter Stones are all about, if someone should ask you.
The signs reads:Quarter Stone
Why not have a Quarter Stone, as we have many other Quarters.
Four Quarters make up a Whole, and a Hole is really nothing.
That would mean all of these Quarters listed here, are really nothing
Quarter Pounder = Burger Quarter Pound = Measure
Quarter Dollar = Money Quarter Deck = Ship
Quarter Horse = Breed Quarter Master = Navy
Quarter Barrel = Beer Quarter Final = Games
Quarter Year = Season Quarter Back = Football
Quarter Cup = Cooking Close Quarters = Tight Squeeze
Quarter Mile = Distance Drawn & Quartered = Torture
Front Quarter = Animal Quarter Hour = Time
Sleeping Quarters = Lodging Quarter Acre = Land
Quarter Staff = Weapon Quarter Note = Music
Quarter Step = Dance Quarter Phase = Electricity
Quarter Point = Compass Quarter Section = Land
Quarter Moon = Astrology Quarter Grain = Lumber
Quarter Crack = Lame Leg Quarter Round = Molding
Cry Quarter = Beg Mercy Quarter Session = Court
Quarter Bushel = Measure Quarter Stone = Why Not?