Rock-38 6"W - 9"H - 1"D GOD - LOVES - ROCKS
This ( 6"W - 9"H - 1"D ) rock is two black polished rocks mounted on a thin oak slab with 10
saying having to do with and about rocks. 5 Not's and 5 Shalt's. Because
the print was so small, I have a larger printed copy on the back side of the slab for people
to read. There is also reference to the fact there were 15 instead of 10 but one rock was
dropped and shattered. As if to imply that there were 15 commandments but one tablet with 5
commandments on it was dropped, so we only have 10 as we know them today. The fact is "God
Loves Rocks Too" needs to be true, because that is how he delivered the instructions of life to us
humans. All ingraved on two rock tablets.
The signs can be read at the link below:
Click this link to read the signs. Read It HERE!