Rock-5 14"W - 17"H - 6"D ROCK LURE
This (14"W - 17"H - 6"D) rock bate, complete with treble hooks, eyes, gills and leader, is hooked or snagged to a piece of drift wood, which has some conventional bates snagged also.
Pine slabs form the outside frame and bottom. Birch bark painted blue, is the water in the background
with a bobber, sinker, hook and worm suspended over head and a few water weeds to add some green.
The sign reads:
Best used for early morning and late afternoon fishing of
* Rock Bass, * Stone Rollers, and * Pebble Gills.
A Deep running, bottom lure, guaranteed, to snag and lose.
This lure is guaranteed, to make a Big splash on every cast.
Now you can out cast your competition, by a stone throw.