Rock-3 11"W - 11"H - 5"D ROCK TRAP
This (11"W - 11"H - 5"D) rock started out with a fire brick for the trap base, which has the feed lever,
spring and setting lever built into the brick. The Rock that got caught has a notch where the
trap broke his neck, and he has leather ears, eyes with XX's to show him dead. He is complete with whiskers,
two buck teeth and a tail. There is blood on his neck and around the top of the trap and you can see the
trap is very effective, because it caught this Rock varmin, before he was able to eat the yellow gravel bits.
The signs read:
Get rid of your pesky rocks before they grow into field stones.
Set some Rock traps, baited with gravel bits. ONLY $489.00 Each. Less rebate in Wisconsin.
For large Rocks or Field Stone, you may need to order our Large field kit traps. Special order ONLY!
$3090.00 each. Less a $3000.00 rebate in Wisconsin.
Check with your reginal DNR (Do Notice Rocks) before Trapping Rocks, to make sure you are not creating an Endangered
species or they are not a protected Natural Resource. Don't disturb or trap any Rocks near wet lands.
(Its your tax dollars paying to keep the DNR watching your Rocks)
454 Rid-a-Stone Lane
Boulder, Colorado 78548
To order your rock trap
Call: 1-800-GET-ROCK